Biophilic Materials 2016

This project is a study of the applicability of biodegradable material in our interior. Laura asked herself the question: How does a bio-based material can contribute to a healing environment for people? Biophilia is the innate and emotional tie that binds humanity to earth. When biophilia is used in the built indoor and outdoor environment we call it Biophilic Design. This design strategy is based on the healing power of nature. Namely the presence of natural stress relieve and increasing our creativity. The choice of materials which are used in Biophilic Design are of great importance. Association with nature and stimulating our senses are some key elements. In this project, Laura looked at the natural properties of an open source biomaterial: potato starch plastic. With this recipe Laura started experimenting with colour, texture, transparency and interaction with daylight and artificial light. By combining different elements and raw materials, there arise new biodegradable materials in which the association with nature is evident. The materials have different characteristics and properties and can therefore be used for different purposes within Biophilic Design.